We have recently completed the registrations for our summer camp running on August 12 - 16th at Birr Town Club. We expect to have 140 young people on this camp. As in previous years we will require several coaches to assist with the running of the camp. We are looking for coaches to be 16 years or older. Members of the club committee will be present throughout the week.

Similar to last year we will be compensating coaches for their time during the week. Please note the camp this year runs for an extra hour from 10.00 to 3pm each day, coaches need to be on site from 9.30am. If you are interested please fill out the form below. Depending on the level of interest and the number of coaches required, we may not need everyone who applies below. We will contact everybody and arrange a meeting in advance of the camp.

NB. Please complete this form even if you have already emailed the club about helping out this year.
