Tue, 11th Jun, 2024

Final Agenda Details

Doolys Hotel 8pm on Tuesday June 18th

2024 Agm Agenda

  1. Opening Address
  2. Approval of 2023 AGM Minutes – see HERE
  3. Annual Report by Secretary
  4. Finance Update by Treasurer
  5. General Motions – See details below
  6. Election of Officers – See details below
  7. General Business


General Motions

Two Motions Proposed by Birr Town AFC Committee

1) Membership Fee Increase as follows:

  • Underage Membership fee from €45 to €50*
  • Student Membership fee from €45 to €50
  • Adult Playing Membership fee from €65 to €75

* Family discount will remain in place with subsequent children paying €25 per child. Installment options will be arranged for family memberships ONLY, all other memberships to be paid in FULL. 

2) Constitution Change to modify Meeting Quorum Requirements

The Relevant Existing Constitution Clauses are

16.    The Executive Committee shall consist of at least SEVEN members and not more than TWELVE. At least SEVEN members and shall be elected as per the procedure set out in Rules 14, 15 above. During their term of office, the Executive Committee may co-opt extra members onto the Executive Committee but this committee may not exceed TWELVE members in all

20. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once per month and SEVEN Members shall constitute a quorum at a meeting.

Proposed change is to clause 20 only as follows:

20. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once per month.  When the committee membership is at TWELVE or ELEVEN Members SEVEN Members shall constitute a quorum at a meeting. If the Executive Committee size is TEN Members then a quorum for meetings shall be SIX Members. The quorum for meetings shall NOT drop below SIX members.

Following Motions Proposed by PJ Hoctor 

3) That all adult non playing members be subject to a membership fee of €10 per annum. I also propose that this membership fee applies to ALL coaches and committee members also.

4) That it be considered to reduce the number of teams competing in the M.S.L

5) That all sponsorship applied to for teams be subject to approval by sitting committee

6) That all dressing rooms be locked during matches in progress, and that someone by appointed to oversee same.


Election of Officers

 The following positions were up for Election with the following nominations:

  • Secretary - One Nomination Received for Ronan Mugan
  • Underage Secretary - One Nomination Received for John Cahill
  • Ordinary Member 1 - One Nomination Received for Peter Conway
  • Ordinary Member 2 - No Nominations Recieved

